Understanding ADHD
An ADHD Overview Guide
Everybody can have difficulty sitting still, paying attention or controlling impulsive behavior once in a while. For some people, however, the problems are so pervasive and persistent that they interfere with every aspect of their life: home, academic, social and work. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common behavioral condition affecting 11 percent of school-age children. Symptoms continue into adulthood in more than three-quarters of cases. ADHD is characterized by developmentally inappropriate levels of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity.

For Educators
A Guide for Supporting ADHD Students
ADHD can affect learning and development from a very young age. Child Find, public school systems, some private schools and even colleges and universities are required to help students with ADHD and other disabilities rise to meet educational challenges.

For Adults
A Guide for Adults with ADHD
Approximately 10 million adults have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In early adulthood, ADHD may be associated with depression, mood or conduct disorders and substance abuse. Adults with ADHD often cope with difficulties at work and in their personal and family lives related to ADHD symptoms. Many have inconsistent performance at work or in their careers; have difficulties with day-to-day responsibilities; experience relationship problems; and may have chronic feelings of frustration, guilt or blame.

For Professionals
Information for Professionals Working with ADHD Clients or Patients
An estimated 15 million individuals in America have ADHD. Without identification and proper treatment, ADHD may have serious consequences, including school failure, family stress and disruption, depression, problems with relationships, substance abuse, delinquency, accidental injuries and job failure. Early identification and treatment are extremely important.

For Parents
A Guide for Parents & Caregivers of ADHD Children
While ADHD is believed to be hereditary, effectively managing your child’s symptoms can affect both the severity of the disorder and development of more serious problems over time. Early intervention holds the key to positive outcomes for your child. The earlier you address your child’s problems, the more likely you will be able to prevent school and social failure and associated problems such as underachievement and poor self-esteem that may lead to delinquency or drug and alcohol abuse. Although life with your child may at times seem challenging, as a parent you can help create home and school environments that improve your child’s chances for success.

Recursos en español
Hojas de información sobre el TDAH
El Centro Nacional de Recursos del TDAH se estableció por medio de un acuerdo de cooperación con los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC), el Centro Nacional de Defectos Congénitos y Discapacidades del Desarrollo (National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, NCBDDD), para prestar el servicio de centro nacional de coordinación de la información más reciente basada en la evidencia sobre el TDAH. La misión de Centro Nacional de Recursos es ofrecer información, educación y programas basados en la ciencia para aumentar la aceptación y reducir el estigma asociado con el TDAH; promover la salud y el bienestar de los niños y adultos con el TDAH y de sus familias; y fortalecer la capacidad de los profesionales para trabajar de manera efectiva con aquellos afectados por el TDAH.