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Becoming a member of CHADD is a wonderful, tax-deductible way to support the organization's national and local education, peer groups, and advocacy initiatives. A portion of your $53 annual dues comes back to our local chapter to support our work in the San Fernando Valley. Your membership provides you with an annual subscription to CHADD’s award-winning, Attention Magazine and discounts on education and conferences.


CHADD and CHADD of Greater Los Angeles is a 100% volunteer-based organization. We are depend upon the talented, committed parents, ADHD adults, professionals, and educators who are willing to step-up and serve our local ADHD community.


There are so many ways to get involved. We've listed a few below, but if you have your own ideas about how you'd like to use your skills, talents, or interests, we'd love to hear from you.


Current Volunteer Opportunities

- Development Liaison - Board of Directors Position

- Peer Group Leader - Various ADHD Support Groups

- Fluent Spanish-speaking parents or ADHD-services professionals interested in helping lead and grow a support group for Spanish-speaking parents and caregivers of ADHD children

- Educators interested in helping develop and lead a community outreach initiative to local schools, teachers, and educators

- Professionals with specialized skills in areas such as executive function coaching, sensory processing therapy, social skills training, behavioral therapy, etc. to organize and run community workshops


As a local non-profit, our operating budget is powered by donations from the community. Every dollar you give makes a difference to individuals and families right here in the greater Los Angeles area. When you give, you help us provide education and support to struggling individuals and families, answers calls from those facing a life challenge, and support those seeking resources for critical services. 


We're always happy to help local CHADD members who'd like to start additional CHADD peer support groups in their own neighborhoods or online -- for parents, adults, students, etc. We can provide you with everything you need to start and operate your new support group -- including the support group meeting format, training on support group facilitation, guidance on securing meeting space, publicity for your meeting through our CHADD of Greater Los Angeles Meetup Community and Discord group, plus access to printable education and meeting marketing materials.


The Board of Directors, staff, volunteers and all we serve, extend our deepest thanks to the generous individuals, foundations, corporations and government agencies whose support allows us to fulfill our mission to improve the lives of people affected by ADHD here in the San Fernando Valley.


Bridges Academy
Studio City, CA

Bridges Academy educates a diverse group of gifted students â€‹with a range of strengths, interests, and learning differences. We refer to these students as twice-exceptional or 2e. â€‹â€‹Our program is strength-based, personalized, and student-centered.


Studio City, CA

”How to ADHD” is a YouTube series produced by Jessica McCabe, dedicated to creating awareness, understanding, and support for people with ADHD through education, entertainment, and outreach.


The Legacy Center

Woodland Hills, CA

​​The Legacy Center is an inclusive community center offering a variety of programs to cultivate individual skills, discover hidden talents, and foster personal growth. Programs include building and exploring individual skills in areas such as reading, language, communication, typing, art, social interactions, life skills and functional fitness.

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